Living My Life Like It's Golden

The 3 Pillars of Wealth Building with Kim Kent

Louisa Larado Season 1 Episode 19

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In this conversation, Louisa Larado interviews Kim Kent, a Money Mindset Coach, who specializes in helping women break free from the cycle of scarcity and develop a healthier relationship with money. Kim shares her journey from feeling broke despite earning six figures to achieving financial stability and abundance. The discussion covers the importance of mindset, the societal conditioning around money, and practical strategies for managing finances. Kim emphasizes the need for clarity in financial goals and introduces her three-pillar framework for wealth building: mindset, manifestation, and management. The conversation concludes with insights on overcoming financial challenges and the importance of community support in financial education.

Want to know more about Kim Kent?
Kim Kent is Perth's leading Money Mindset and Financial Coach, renowned for her transformative Wealthy As F*ck money coaching program. With over a decade of entrepreneurial experience, she's helped countless women overcome money mindset blocks, achieve financial freedom, and break the cycle of generational scarcity.

Kim's own journey, from financial stress to business success, fuels her passion for empowering women to heal their relationship with money. Recognized globally as one of the top 9 Money Coaches in 2024, Kim continues to impact the lives of ambitious women across Australia, guiding them to financial abundance and empowerment.

You can download her free eBook here, follow her on Instagram or learn more about her Wealthy a F*ck program here.

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Disclaimer: The information contained on today’s podcast has been provided as general advice only. The contents have been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or individual needs. Before making any decision regarding the information, strategies or products mentioned on today’s episode, please consult your own financial advisor or other professional first.

Welcome to Bankruptcy to Bliss. I'm your host, Louisa Larado And today I'm sitting down to have a chat with Kim Kent, who is a leading money mindset and financial coach renowned for her transformative money coaching programs. She's going to be giving us some great insights on how to take charge of your finances and create more money in your life. So stay tuned for that.

I'm really excited because today I am joined with the amazing Kim Kent, who is a Leaning Money Mindset coach who is renowned for her amazing program. So welcome, Kim. And thank you so much for joining us today. I'm so excited to be here. It's going to be fun.

It will. So do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself and what you actually do so we know what you have to offer us? Sure. So, gosh, I'm like, I'm very well rehearsed at this now while I'm getting there. You can't cut a good long story short, right? But I do try. So, let me hear. So I'm a money mindset and money management coach, mainly, especially for women, especially women who are earning money.

and feel like they have nothing to show for it. They feel like they're still in that splurge restriction cycle. And what I do is I help you add, you know, if we're going measurable, I help you add at least an extra six figures or a hundred K to your savings account, be able to afford the things that you like, but without sacrificing your lifestyle. the reason that where I, why I do what I do, and I guess why I call it like what is really a money coach? Cause I work with reprogramming your mindset. So changing the thoughts and the stories that

keep you in that broke mentality and the behaviors that match that. Plus learn how to manage your money using wealth principles and universal law, not restrictive budgeting. And it's because I got here because I grew up in, you know, lower to middle-class family, parents divorced. It was all about money. was all that. was a shit show, right? It was just so much stress and frustration and anxiety around money. And it was like my whole world was revolved around money, but we never had any money.

So I always, I was always the hustler for money. I like, I'm gonna need a job. I'm gonna get a degree at university. I'm gonna be really successful because more money equals more freedom and more happiness. And I never want a life like my parents. And I did the whole uni thing. I got the degrees. I got two, cause I thought, you know, two degrees, more money and couldn't actually get a job, fell into the online business space, built a really successful online business, hit my first hundred grand for the year.

And I still felt broke. I still was like, I'm earning six figures and I still have nothing to show for it. And so I went to work and I did all the work on myself to heal my relationship with money. And coming out the other side, like I got married and we built a home, we saved a hundred grand. We, like, we never fight about money. It's like this, the abundance and wealth that I was.

working so hard for finally landed and I didn't have to go earn more money yet. And then since then I've been able to like three times my annual income within my business, like breakthrough glass ceilings. And I've always was coaching and helping women in the online business space and everyone wanted money. Like can you tell me about the money? You talk about money like I want to know. And that's where like my program which is called Wealthy As Fuck, that is an asterisk.

And it was, it's a way for me to help as many women as I can learn these principles and these strategies to, you know, become like create their most wealthiest fuck life. So that's what I do and how I got here. Excellent. Yeah. I think that's so important because so many people, think they don't feel, they feel stuck when it comes to money and it's such a common thing. And I think the way our society is, that we sort of, it's just the norm to

had this, the cycle of, you know, working really hard and then not really having much to show you for it and you work until you retire. So what are your thoughts around that sort of side of things? I have so many thoughts around this. It's a conditioning. It's like we grow up, everything we learn in the first eight to 10 years of our life become our beliefs for our future. So,

It really depends on, you've got to ask me the question again, because my brain literally went into like, my God, I've got this answer, this answer and this answer. Just how like society sort of conditions us to stay in this sort of cycle where we never feel like we're getting ahead sort of thing and we're always sort of my God, we can talk about society. There's parts to it. So first of all, even though we have a society, our world is

Ourself, me, like my world is based off my internal thoughts and feelings and how I view it and the beliefs that I have. So they were conditioned within me in the first, at the first part of my life. Right. So a lot of us grew up, like, you know, you grow up, you get a job, you work really hard, you work for the 40 odd years working. it was 40 hours a week, pretty sure it more now. So it's not even nine to five. It's like seven. Yeah. And then hopefully you can retire.

with some money in the bank. when, you know, when you're old and wrinkly, then you can go traveling and live your best life, which is still like, even my parents are still struggling with that side of things as well. Now we have that conditioning. So it means a lot of us have grown up with it. So that creates a society belief, but there is things still, and there's a whole layer of fear mongering and the society keeping us playing small. we're not living to our full potential.

So then it's like, stay scared, stay in scarcity, believe the news, believe that inflation is scary and you can't afford it, can't afford it. So it's almost like the scarcity that we brought up with. the beliefs around money that we grew up with, like money doesn't grow on trees, rich people are greedy. So all this stuff that was handed down the generations, because we believe that we create the society of it. So it's like we're keeping the cycle going. But the real truth is we can create whatever we want.

We just have to do the work, we have to decondition ourselves and learn the right strategies and skills to break free from that trap.

hope that answered your question. I'm like. Definitely. Yeah. And I think that's such a tricky thing for so many people is realising that we actually have a choice in this and that we can do, make the changes to make this sort of thing happen. So I think definitely putting in that work and you know, often that's not what people want. Don't want to have to do the work. They want to just keep it easy. can I share you just, I want to share this. Cause definitely.

Everyone says the same like the grass is just greener where you water it. Have you ever heard that? Where you water it? Not on the other side. Okay when it comes to money and our wealth the grass is greener on the other side because if it was just as easy as watering our own lawn we just schedule the retic. I said this and some lady was like what's retic? But she was in another country like the reticulation.

So if it was just that easy, we'd all be millionaires. We all wouldn't be struggling. We wouldn't be feeling the pinch. The grass is greener on the other side and it's on the other side of the swamp that's full of crocodiles and bears and scorpions and lions and all the scary shit that if we enter that swamp, you're like, I'm going to die there.

But the thing is we're humans, we're on top of the food chain. Okay. We can survive that swamp. We just need the skills to kill the crocodile or beat, should say, build a, beat the crocodile. I'm not killing, just beating. In that battle, when you develop the skills and the strategies, you can get through the swamp and then you're at the grass that's greener on the other side. So it's not, easy all the time, but it's really, if you learn how to change, like break out of scarcity and learn.

how the energy of abundance works and then more on a tangible level. If you learn how to manage your money correctly, that doesn't restrict you, then you're getting the skills you're going to get to the grass that's greener on the other side. Yeah, definitely. You just got to be willing to make that decision, I guess, and put in that work for sure. And you work mainly with women in your program. So why do think that women just don't have that confidence when it comes to money?

There's two parts to it and I mainly work with women because men just don't seem based on my years of doing this and don't really reach out for advice from women. It's just the stereotype that's still there. But the women, there's two parts. I'll talk about the part that's, it's not like that we want to be victim of it and be like, well, it's kind of like, I just had the thought like the women tax, but I'm like, actually fucking hate that reference that they say. Victims being women, okay.

But there is that generational like going way back hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. Well, cause you know, the masculine energy is the provider, right? And the feminine energy is the nurturer. Well, we both have masculine, feminine, feminine, but what's happened, especially in our society, you know, we also, you know, we're the woman who, you you grow up, you're gonna be, you're gonna have kids, you're gonna...

Look after the kids. You're going to look after your husband. Maybe, maybe if you're lucky, you get to look after yourself, but we've always been the nurturer, but always put others before us. So there is an energetic like programming. Does that make sense? say energetic programming. It's handed down like these beliefs that women, you're not meant to, you're meant to stay at home and raise kids. We're also rewriting those beliefs. Plus as a, as a woman,

Again, when it comes to the confidence, where the nurture is, where the feminine energy is tapped into more the emotion. So we do deal with more emotion around money, where men stereotypically, the masculine is more the tangible, just get the not emotionally as emotionally messed up for like a better way. Like where emotional beings were connected emotionally.

So we attach more and we feel more emotions to money, emotions dictate our behaviors. They'll make us do the behaviors that are gonna build our wealth or more common than not, do the retail therapy or clickbait on the after pay or, know, fuck it, just don't know. don't wanna, I just wanna go buy the wine or I can't because I'm tired. So let's go out for dinner when deep down you're like, but we really wanna buy the next house.

or we really want to get 50 grand buffering in the bank just to have that cashflow. So we're very emotionally connected, if that makes sense. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. And I think as well, like in our society, it's so focused now on, you know, fast fashions and fast trends. And we want to feel like we're always sort of keeping up with the latest things. So, you know, you just have to look on Instagram or Facebook or whatever, and you just constantly...

feel like you're behind if you're not keeping up and spending more money in ways that are gonna serve this short term fix, I guess, but then longterm, then you're gonna maybe have regrets about it or feel crap about your money. And yeah, it's that sort of cycle, I guess. And the amount of women I have that, cause I'm 33, I do feel like I'm a bit of an old soul. I'm pretty so young, I'm like, you never feel young when you're in your thirties, cause you were just in your twenties and you know, you're so young.

But the amount of women, like I literally just had a lady sign up to work with me on Monday or two days ago. And it was, she's the same age as my mom. She's six. I have women in their 50s, like the baby boomers even coming to work with me because they want the, they're like, I wish I learnt this sooner and now I'm in a relationship together. So yeah.

Well, the point with that is I see it. see that. Yeah, definitely. For sure. Yeah. I think it's just amazing that more people are out there empowering others just to realize there's a different way. And you know, the more people that can teach this stuff, the better. So what do you think you need then to sort of create the money in your life of your desires? What are the components you think you need? Well, again, so many layers to this, but it's simple. It's such a broad question because

Well, one of my sayings is clarity builds wealth and delusion keeps you broke. What this meant, and you can apply this to everything in your life, but if you're like, want to be able to afford all my desires or however you say that, it's like, well, get clear on that. What does that actually look like? That you need a specific vision of what that is. Is it money in the bank? it, so get really clear on what it is that you want and get really, well, something that can help you get clear on that is get really clear on what it is you don't want.

much easier to get like I don't want to be in debt, I don't want to do this or I don't want to have the weight of a credit card hanging over my thing. Like you might want to clear debt, I have a whole nother mindset around debt anyway, but get clear on what you don't want and clear on what you want. Then based off everything that I have learned and this is why I put together in how I help women with this is because there's three main pillars of

this framework or this wealth we want to build, whatever the desire is. And it's mindset, manifestation and management, right? Because there's so many mindset coaches out there and there's so many people just helping you with your accounts and just the management. And then there's all the manifestation side and there's depending on like you can think it's woo, but it's literally quantum physics if you're learning it the right way. But with these three pillars, you need all three, like you need your mindset around money, your beliefs.

your sense of self-worthiness, you're removing any emotional blocks that you're holding on from past events. Like you need all that to be a 10 out of 10, right? You need the management. So you need to actually have a physical, tangible, logistical strategy to when your money comes in, how you're handling it. Like restrictive budgeting, feast famine versus wealth principles with a minimum 12 month projection framework.

knowing exactly what I need for all my things, for fun and the necessities, you know? And then the manifestation part is your behaviours, your embodiment, how you behave with money and other people. So if you think it kind of extends on from the mindset because your thoughts and beliefs trigger emotions which trigger behaviours. So that's your state with money. Like that you need to have.

that you need to be behaving as the version who can afford the things you desire. Because you want the money in the bank, but you get your electricity bill and you freak the fuck out. But you do that every two months because here we get our electricity bill every two months. So you know in two months time, you're going to get your electricity bill again. It's not stressing you. You are not being the version of you who is going to be able to have their desires financially because you're so busy in this roller coaster

praising the self-stress with your bills. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And that's one of the things that I was drawn to you about, because I completely agree that you need those three. You can't have just the money management side without working on your mindset. And then the manifestation comes into it as well, because they're all vital. So I think the way you're teaching it in that more holistic way is exactly what people need to really...

What a lot of think people will find do is they might figure out how to manage their money or work on their mindset, but it's like a quick fix. So unless you have all three of those working together, it's not that long-term financial stability that you're getting. Is that something you're noticing? That was the thing, because I was always chasing a perfect client because I was always chasing the dollar now and I wanted stability and I never felt it.

And the thing is I always had stability because I always made money. Like there was evidence that I was always going to make money. because of my internal makeup of the beliefs and the behaviors and the emotions is I never felt stable. So I never was going to, I'm always just chasing the next payday. Where now like the stability and the structure that's in place is no matter what happens in the world, like this for me and my clients will tell you this too now that they have all their, they've done the work as well.

No matter what is going to potentially happen in the future, cause who fricking knows with this world, I'm going to be fine. I might get rocked a little, but I have the tools and I have the behaviors and the strategies to support keeping me secure, like financially secure within me. So my world will replicate that. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah. I think you definitely need to have those tools.

So then what sort of things do you suggest, you know, if you are facing some sort of financial challenges right now, or, you know, the cost of living and things like that, what are some tips you can give to people to help sort of get through this time? Well, my tips should just go, I'm not a financial advisor. These tips are of general nature only, because I understand that some people, and I do have these conversations where they feel like, well, but I'm in a real fucked up scenario. Like I have medical.

At the end of the day, like some things can be, you know what? You do have it tougher in comparison, but you're always doing better than someone else and you're always doing worse than someone else. So comparison, it's about deciding whether you want to be a victim of your circumstance because being a victim of your circumstances. Yeah, you teach, I read these, I see all these tips and advice. I see other people doing it, but it won't work for me because I've got X, Y, Z in my story, you know?

So there is a level, matter how hard it is, like you have to decide like, I going to be a victim of my circumstances or am I going to be the master creator of my life? So that's like a mindset, like a perspective you want to tap into because when you're in that, when you make the decision to save yourself and not wait for other people to save you, you open up the doorways to, okay, what am going to attract in to support me?

Right. And you know what, I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but it's simple. Then tips. And now what was the question? Cause I went down the mindset path. No, that's okay. And I think that's what it always comes back to is that mindset. Cause it is such an important thing that you need to be working on. Just tips. So people that are maybe, you know, with the financial situation at the moment might be doing it a bit tough or, you know, we speak a lot to people who going through bankruptcy and things like, like a big financial setbacks like that. So what are some things

you know, little quick strategies you could suggest. And I can give you, cause this is something I usually, when I jump on podcasts, I'll give you three things that you've got. So these are three of the principles around my, like my wealthiest framework, like the money, the signature money blueprint I teach. again, what's so powerful about my signature money blueprint is it's not a cookie cutter. It's got structure, but it fit moulds around you. So again, I can share this right now, but it's going to seem more like a cookie cutter approach.

but you tailor it to you. But I do want to, cause I will forget this part if I don't say it now. I like that you do help people through bankruptcy because bankruptcy is a mindset of its own as well. Because there's to it, but there's a whole fucking cool side of it where you do get to not have like, for lack of a better way of saying it, going bankrupt is like, I can't afford something like we're to have to file for bankruptcy. It almost allows you to wipe your slate clean. just, it's not a-

quick fix. It's like a, there's some time you have to do and spend before you can start the borrowing. So again, if you're in bankruptcy, you got to change your beliefs around it. If you feel like, because it's not anyway, three things you can do. So tip number one, stop budgeting. Like literally remove that word from your vocabulary.

you might talk about it on here, which is fine. And maybe going forward, you might not, but again, right. It's how we think about managing our money, but budgets, if I told you, you had to budget right now, how does that make you feel? Restricted. So freedom and restriction cannot coexist at the same time. They both don't have one without the other. But if you want financial freedom and you do that by budgeting, and so you're restricting, you're literally cock blocking. Like you, cannot do.

Freedom requires structure though. So ditch the word from your vocabulary and refer to however you manage your money. I just encourage like neutral words. Like we use a blueprint system strategy plan for the women who really want to tap into the feminine side of it. I encourage like, add some sexiness to it. Like add some like my plan or my, you can use the word sexy and like my self-worth. Pick those beautiful words that create

beautiful energy around it. It's something as simple as that little shift because you're going to not operate in restrictive energy when you're managing. Tip number two is when income lands, so however you receive money, you save first. You transfer to your savings before anything else. Now your savings is like your rite of passage to then go and invest. I don't teach investing because

different things out there, but you have to earn the right to invest. you'll get it. So you need to save first. So whatever you're saving, getting that buffer in your account to then maybe it's to buy a house or invest in shares or whatever your goal is with that. But you save first. then you save. So don't pay your mortgage first. Don't give your kids money first. Don't buy the groceries. Don't pay your bills first. You have to make you your most important asset. So you're building up stability in the bank to continue.

investing for the future, if that makes sense. Definitely. And the thing is use percentages. And the reason this is so in alignment with universal law, firstly, you always earn a hundred percent, no matter if you're on a fixed income or fluctuating income. When that money lands in your account and you're like, yep, now I've got to allocate it. That's a hundred percent.

So if you're spending more than a hundred percent, you're overspending, which is why you feel like I don't have anything because you're overspending. You're spending money you don't have, or you're constantly in the red trying to bump it back up. So you always earn a hundred percent. And when you create your percentages for where you allocate your money, percentages are a set number, but it's not a fixed dollar value. So they're expensive.

So provides you structure with ability to expand. like 10%, if you save 10 % this week and then next week you save, and this is just ballpark figures, I actually never really encouraged you to save 10 % because that might work for you, you might need to save less or more, like don't just do it because can't work out your own percentage. But 10 % next week when your pay went from 1000 to 2000, that 10%, you're still saving 10%, so you're still structured, but the amount you saved was more.

But it takes, this is the thing people want quick fix now is it took me and my husband a solid 12 months to perfect it. My clients get there within two to two to six months of getting the percentages working and then letting it play out. yeah. Definitely. I think they're fantastic tips. And yeah, I did have an episode a couple of weeks ago on the whole budgeting thing and why it's keeping you more broke. So

100 % agree there because it just puts you in that constant state of restriction and then you're stressed out if you're not, you know, you don't hit those numbers and so many people think you've got to have these budgets to create wealth and it's so yeah, definitely the opposite. Definitely agree 100 % on that one and the other two and I love the percentage idea too because I think a lot of people think I've got to put this exact amount into my savings or

this for bills or whatever, but yeah, like it changes. Money changes all the time. And it's that staying in that flow with the energy of money, which is constantly flowing. So making sure you're not putting those restrictions up, I think around that is so important. yeah. You have a lot of clients on a fixed income and they're like, but Kim, I always put the same amount to my rent or mortgage. And if you're on a fixed interest, your mortgage repayment is the same and then your rent is the same, right?

But I was like, yes, but you still need to refer to it as a percentage. it blows my mind. get messages almost daily from my clients who are on fixed income. So I have half clients who are business owners and half who are employed. So on the fixed incomes or the set wage, the way just from doing this, they're manifesting so much more money into their life. But because they're on a fixed income, they're like, how am going to make more money? I'm on a set salary. But the back pays, they're getting the

subsidies, they're getting just random stuff that I'm just like, how the fuck did you do that? And then I'm like, of course, because you followed the principles, you followed the expansive money management. And then usually it's the ladies who run the businesses, the way that their money's coming to them, because their business is set up as their vehicle to receive money. are increasing sales, increasing revenue, increasing. But it's just, blows my mind still. And I've been doing this for years and I'm like, did you do that?

I like that you can use more of it. Yeah, definitely. And I think that's such a common thing I see is that people think that once you earn whatever you earn, especially if you are employed by someone, that what you earn is it, that's It's fixed and there is no more. And people have that limiting idea that that's like their roof, that's their ceiling, and you can't go beyond that. So what do you encourage people to think instead in those circumstances?

If you feel like you can't go beyond something, it's purely, it goes right back to your conditioning of what you believe is possible for you or not. Like, I guess, I guess I want to answer this kind of with an example, because I hit my first hundred grand in my business at 26 and still felt broke. Like I hustled, I got there. You can succeed and earn lots of money doing it like the very masculine hustle, burnout, hustle, burnout way. I never encourage it because it was shit.

Like I felt older at 26 and I feel now cause I'm so high and I didn't have a baby then. But I hit a point, it was like that hundred grand, was like that 80 to a hundred grand. And then I was there for a couple of years before, cause I did all this work and my income didn't grow yet, but I just managed it differently and got whatnot. And then things started to grow. But it's cause I realized my dad is the highest income earner in my immediate family. And he's on a set of wages around the hundred to 120.

So I realized, and I had to do some work around this. You probably wouldn't consciously realize this. went and got the coach mindset work and I realized I had a belief that I could never out earn like my dad. It was my dad, cause I have out earned. And it was because someone I put on a pedestal or how I deem society, like the people who take care of me, I can never out earn them. I can never outshine them. want to stay. So this is a really, it's like a really deep answer.

I had to actually do the work to be like break through the glass ceiling because there was a part of me that and again I wasn't conscious of it until I did the work on it that my subconscious like my little girl in me was like if I earn more than my family I'll be ostracized like I will be out of the family and I won't be loved and I won't be accepted and so that's why there's a level of self-sabotage then there's a level of self-worthiness of can I actually be the person in my family that can

out there because all the other family members that built wealth are strange from the family. And then so I only heard the other side. I heard that, they left, they're rich and they're greedy and all. I heard all that. So I had some conscious beliefs telling me, well, Kimmy, if you get rich, you're going to be deemed greedy. People, your family isn't going to accept you and your family are your loved ones and your family are the ones that love you unconditionally. all of that stuff.

So there is a heap of that going on. So I would look at like what was going on in your family dynamics to create. It's almost like it's, that's what's, what's the word? I can't think of the word, just maybe describing is a better word, but that's what's describing your, that's what's making your behaviors what they are with money. So there'll be a level, this limit you can't get past. There'll be some, some conscious beliefs running the show.

And the minute that you're ready to surpass or attract more wealth in or whatever, there will be a bad, you'll have a, well, these are what this talking so fast. cannot get my words. you're going to sabotage. Yeah. So you do right. Or you get the inheritance. Like I got a 60 grand inheritance 10 years ago. Blew almost all of it. Nothing to show for it. Right. I have one thing to show for it. it's hilarious. I have a great set of boobs from it.

I will show that was definitely not 60 grand it was seven grand. went to Thailand But my point is I want you can attract the money in but if your belief system and your behaviors with money doesn't support more money you will get it in but you will blow it anyway so you're going to keep yourself capped.

if you believe, well, I can only get a job in what I have in the job that I do only pays around this amount. Like you have a choice to make. Yeah. You a choice to make of, okay, well then settle or go look. It's literally, if you're capped at a certain income, you physically, no matter what you freaking love your job and you don't want to start a business in it.

Cause know, if you own the business in it, there's potential. If you don't want to do that, go learn new skills. Like, okay, go learn, go learn how to make money, start side hustle with something. There's opportunities out there, but it's not, nothing's a quick fix. You have to give it time, but you have to do it. And then you definitely. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. And that was exactly what happened to my husband and I, after we'd gone bankrupt at first, we were both earning really good money still. And we had.

we managed to get like free company housing, but we still were not getting ahead. And we were just so limited on our beliefs and like the whole bankruptcy thing, I think, really messed up our mindsets. And it wasn't until we were like, actually, this is not fixed, we actually can create more. So I did the whole side hustle thing. And I did a few other businesses on top of what I was doing as my like day to day job. So and you know, when that happened, it was crazy.

how quickly things change and you're opening yourself up. But I think it's people just deciding that, know what, this is not fixed. There's more out there. I just need to be open to those opportunities. And when you're not, it's like you've got blinkers on and you can't see what's actually around you and what's available to you until you put in this mindset work and do all the other stuff as well. yeah.

So can you tell us a little bit about how people can work with you then and what you have to offer? You've touched on your course a little bit. Well, I have my main program. So it's the wealthy as f**k program. It's an online course. So get online trainings that take you through step by step, how to set up your money blueprint, how to remove the thought patterns and beliefs that you developed as you were younger.

that keeping you in scarcity or lack, like there's not enough money. This training course, I designed this, right, for the single mom who runs a business. Because I was pretty much single mom. I I was going through some like grief, while my husband was going through grief, and there was a part where I felt like a fucking single mom. And that's a whole other day. Like I was like, if I can do this work, like I need to design it so there's no excuses, so women can feel supported and get the strategies and never feel like,

They're taking one step forward, two steps back. So it's an online training course where you get lifetime access to the trainings, step-by-step bite-sized pieces. You can either fast track it or you can self pace it. It's great. But then what I do on top is I add 12 months, get a bonus 12 months to work with me for free inside my online group coaching. So we have this gorgeous community where we do weekly support calls that you can plug into at your convenience, Facebook group. So it's this beautiful mentorship.

Now it's the main way to get my full teachings because you can't, I'm not going to split up the mindset and the management. Like you need it all to get results. also, can work with me one-on-one. only ever take one, few ladies at a time. Like I do VIP weeks. We can do a call with me then you have me on WhatsApp support and we can start setting up a few things, at least start implementing some strategy and clearing some the crap, you know, that's holding back. But yeah, the main thing is wealth is fuck and you can apply to be a part of it.

You literally just go, I'll give you all the, I'm sure you put all the links. Yeah. We'll put it in the show notes. Yeah. well, I'm like, they going to be up or down? It's So you can go read up about it. Like I'm literally going through a huge facelift of it. So I'm refreshing all the trainings and all the spreadsheet and the blueprint, everything. It's going to be even sexier. So that, you can literally stalk me on Instagram. And I do have,

I'll also put a little freebie in here too. Like I have a little ebook that gives you some steps. kind of went over some of them today and I just elaborate bit more. So you can at least start soaking me up for free. I'm all for that. I want to have a little taste test. So yeah, that's the main thing. And how can we follow you? What's your Instagram or what's your podcast name? If we want some more of your goodness. Instagram is Kim Kent and double underscore.

I should pop up and I should be recognisable. should say money management. My podcast is called Money Hacks with Kim Ken. So you're welcome to tune into that. We talk about like the last episode that released was like how to stop fighting with your husband about money. I literally. Yeah, I just listened to that the other day. That was great.

So there's just so all the different topics of money that we don't think about. And I'm on Facebook too. I have a free Facebook community. It's called Money Hacks for Women. You can search that and invite yourself to join. It's free. And I literally just put in a really cool post today and there with some like value around perspective on mindset and savings. So I think that's, think that's everything. good. Yeah. Well, thank you so much for chatting. And I feel like I could just

to you for ages because I think yeah, what you're doing and your message is just amazing and definitely the more people that can be helped and inspired and just empowered to manage their money and to take charge of it and realise you actually do have a choice in how much money you get into your life. So thank you so much for all your amazingness today. Thank you for having me. I love, I honestly love these chats and I just want to, I'm an open book. So like anyone listening, like if you want to come and

bombard my DMs with questions, like go for it. Like I will share anything from blowing my inheritance to almost divorcing my husband and having to work out what that would look like financially and repairing the relationship and repairing our relationship with money together. All those things, please. I'm an open book. Love it. Love it how you keep it too. Excellent. Well, thank you so much, Kim. It's been amazing chatting with you today.


Louisa Larado (38:12)
I hope you got some great insights from that chat with Kim Kent and if you want to learn more about her you can check out the links in the show notes below. Now it's also not too late to register for my Beyond Bankruptcy Bootcamp. Now this is a free three-day immersive live program where you'll have a chance to just get really clear on your next steps post bankruptcy to

get your finances back on track, to work on your mindset, to work on managing techniques, and just to set yourself up for more financial stability in your future. So if that is something you would love to take part in, I'd love to have you there. It is all via Zoom, so you can tune in wherever you are in the world. You can find the links to that in the show notes, or just go to forward slash bootcamp to learn more about it.

If you enjoyed today's episode, please feel free to rate this podcast or leave me a review. I'd love to hear what you thought of my chat with Kim today. Thank you so much for listening and I'll see you on the next episode.

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