Living My Life Like It's Golden

How Going Bankrupt Taught Me To Live My Life Like It's Golden: My Personal Story

Louisa Larado Season 2 Episode 1

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Find out more or register your spot for the $2k Cash Boost By Christmas Challenge here.

In this episode Louisa shares her personal journey from financial freedom to bankruptcy and back again. She discusses the importance of mindset in achieving financial success and introduces her new podcast direction focused on living abundantly. Louisa also announces a challenge aimed at helping listeners generate extra cash for the holiday season.


  • Mindset is crucial for financial success and overcoming challenges.
  • Louisa emphasizes the importance of taking action alongside visualization.
  • The journey from financial freedom to bankruptcy taught Louisa valuable lessons.
  • Bankruptcy provided a fresh start and a chance to reassess financial goals.
  • Living in alignment with values is essential for happiness and fulfillment.
  • Louisa's experience shows that financial struggles can happen to anyone

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Disclaimer: The information contained on today’s podcast has been provided as general advice only. The contents have been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or individual needs. Before making any decision regarding the information, strategies or products mentioned on today’s episode, please consult your own financial advisor or other professional first.

Louisa Larado (00:00)
welcome to the Living My Life Like It's Golden podcast. I'm your host, Louisa Larado And on today's episode, I wanna share a little bit about my story, who I am, why I've decided to give my podcast a bit of an overhaul and rename it. And I wanna tell you a bit about my story, how I got here. And plus stay tuned to the end, because I've got a really exciting challenge that's gonna help you.

get a bit of extra cash ready for Christmas. So make sure you stay tuned for that.

So for those of you who have not met yet, my name is Louisa Larado and I am really passionate about helping people live their most abundant lives where you do have enough money for all the things that you desire and that you are actually creating a life where you feel fulfilled and happy and joyful. So.

That is my mission and why I've decided to give my podcast a bit of an overhaul. So originally, if you listen to the last season, it was the Bankruptcy to Bliss podcast. And on that podcast, I shared a lot of my journey with going bankrupt and the steps that I personally took to get my finances back on track and be in a much better position than I've ever been financially.

I want to help you do that same thing as well. And I want to show people that it is actually easy. But I also decided recently that although I love working with people who are recovering from bankruptcy, I feel like I want to share these tools and techniques that I've been learning over the years with more people, not just people who've been bankrupt, but anybody that wants to see a shift in their current financial situation. Anybody that

feels a bit stuck right now with their money situation or knows that it could be better. You might be sort of stuck in that trap of feeling like you're missing out on things or you're always trying to keep up or you feel maybe jealous or envious towards friends or family members that you see that are doing all these great things and you feel like you should be further ahead. So if any of that sort of resonates with you, then you're definitely in the right place. I've got so many great tools.

to share with you in future episodes. But today I just want to tell you a little bit about me in case this is your first time listening to this podcast. So I guess my story begins really from the very beginning where my whole life, I've sort of lived a life where I've had a really great life. And my biggest, biggest challenge was when we had to file bankruptcy, which obviously was a really

big financial strain for my family and the most stressed and worried and challenging thing that I've ever had to go through. And I know my husband felt the same, but let me rewind a little bit before that. I guess thinking back on my life, I've always been someone who's been pretty good at

knowing what I want, being really clear on my goals. And I remember from being like a kid, I remember helping my mum hang washing on the line one day and I must have only been about 10 or 11 and thinking in my life, this is what I, in my head, this is what I want my life to look like. I had it all mapped out. had, you know, the husband, had two daughters, the job that I was doing that I really enjoyed and this house and everything that I had sort of set these visions for. And I didn't ever contemplate that there would be

any other alternative to me than what I had decided. I'd made up my mind this is what's going to happen. And looking back on that now, like every single thing that I thought of growing up that I wanted to achieve in life, I've not only achieved but surpassed that. And then I guess the next biggest thing that I noticed, and this is all before law of attraction and the secret and manifesting became

popular thing. I didn't even know what I was doing at the time. was just the set and this is what I was going to do and then I guess took actions to make different things happen in my life. I didn't just sit back and let it magically appear. But I've always been someone that's really clear, focused on goals. And I've also been someone that hasn't always bought into what society, I guess, tells us we should be doing at the set time. I've always been one to sort of challenge that.

So when I met my now husband he was my boyfriend at the time, and we got together and we got the series quite soon. I was just graduating as a teacher. was at my last year of uni and we were moving. My first teaching posting was up in a place called Port Hedlund, if you're not sure. That's a mining town, north of Western Australia, famous for iron ore. So there's a lot of money to be made in that town if you're into the mining industry.

But it's also very, very isolated. So it was about a 20 hour drive from the nearest city, which is Perth in Western Australia. And there's not many towns up there. You're very isolated and spread out from everyone. So if you're going up there and it's also really, really hot. So you've got to be prepared to sacrifice a few things if that's the lifestyle you're wanting to take and go that path. But we didn't know any better. But at the time.

We decided really early on, as soon as we sort of got together, we had very common goals around finances and money and what we wanted to achieve. And we decided pretty soon on that we were going to get straight into investment property as soon as we possibly could. And that's exactly what we did. within our first year of living in Port Hedlund, we're probably about nine months in, we had enough money saved to buy our first investment property.

And at the time it was great because it was leased to a government agency. So had a five year lease. It was a really high rent. The rent covered the whole mortgage. So we didn't actually have to pay anything. We actually got a bit on top of it. So it was positively geared property. We thought, yes, winning. And we thought, well, this is fantastic. So as soon as we brought that property, we started looking for the next one. So we started saving up again and

probably about six months later, we purchased our second property. And then again, repeated again, and we did that until we had four properties. one of them was the property we lived in and the others were just investment properties. Now at the time we didn't buy any of these properties and so many people at that time said, why are you buying in this mining town where no one wants to go? You will never make money off these properties. But we were like,

They're positively geared We're already making money from these properties, whether they appreciate in value, which we didn't think they would. But one thing my husband and I did, and we didn't tell a lot of people this, is we had made up our mind that by the time that we were 30, he was five years older than me. So he was at this, I was 21 at this time and he was 26. So around the 30 year old Mark, we wanted to not have to work anymore.

We told a couple of good friends about it. We didn't tell a lot of people and that was our goal that we were like, yes, that's what we want to do. Now we didn't put too much emphasis on how we were going to do that, but we just figured, well, if we were generating income through our properties, then that's the right step. And so we kept those properties for a while and then suddenly the market started going up and these properties started to double, not only in value, but the rental returns were getting higher and higher and higher. So we were generating

more more money each month, which we thought was insane. Read that we'd never even could fathom that that was even a possibility that we could make that much room. so this happened on all of these properties. So we were in a really fortunate position. And this was before we'd had kids. We got married somewhere in between all of this, but we still had this one set goal that by the time we're around 30, we're to be retired.

fast forward and then we were in a great position. So we sold the property we were living in, we wanted to move, but we weren't really sure where. So we decided we'll sell a property, use that cash by caravan and we went traveling around Australia. So we took a year off work. So it almost was semi there already and we had a great time. And then on that trip, I fell pregnant and we thought, well, let's set up our route. So we ended up settling back in Perth and.

using the money that we generated as income to buy our house. So we both went back to work before I had the baby. So I was back at teaching and he was my husband who was on the mines before, but then he was just doing some truck driving and some like little jobs here and there to generate enough income just to cover our mortgage at that time. But we already were generating income from our properties as well. And then,

Around this time, I actually saw the movie The Secret for the first time and I was like, my gosh, this is literally what I've been doing my whole life. I've been set on these ideas and I didn't realize it was a thing called manifesting or the law of attraction or whatever version of it you want to say. it sort of gave me bit of an answer of why we had been so successful so quickly because...

Now I don't 100 % agree with the secret because I think when you are, if you, somebody has watched The Secret, if you're just sitting back listening to it or reading it or watching it, it's a lot of focus on just visualizing and feeling the feelings, which is 100 % what I was doing. But the other thing that they miss that I think is the most vital step is actually taking action. Like this stuff didn't just fall into our laps. We had to actually take action towards those steps, but we weren't set on, we were going to make, have money.

of our investment properties and not have to work as a result. We never bought those properties thinking in million years that you would never foresee that rent would go from one property was started off as renting for $400 a week. And then by the hip high of the season, was, it was $2,000 a week for one property. So you would never in a million years think that something like that was happening. We never bought those properties with that in mind. We just thought.

these properties, it feels like a good move for us. And we sort of follow our gut a lot of times and we don't overthink things. So that was our big things that we did really well, my husband and I. And anyway, we had our first daughter and then by the time she was six months old, so I was 27 at the time and my husband was 32. And all of a sudden the rent went up again on, so we still had three properties, all three of those properties. And we looked

at our went and did some calculations and my husband was not loving his work and I was stayed at, I was on maternity leave so I didn't have to go back to work straight away. And I crunched the numbers after this rent went up and we're like, my goodness, it's happened. We are actually in the situation where the rent is completely covering all our expenses. We don't have to work. So.

At the time we were seeing a financial advisor and they were like, no, you should just keep, you know, invest in this and invest in that. And yeah, maybe we should have, but at that point in time, we did want to make most of our kids while we were young. I'd seen so many friends and other people in life that just worked really hard and they missed out. Their kids were in childcare full time and there was absolutely nothing wrong with that if that is your situation. But for me and my husband, we didn't want that. We wanted to make the most of.

the time with our kids and be there for them and be able to experience all that stuff that so many people seem to miss out on. So we made the decision then and there that we were retiring from work and it was amazing. So we were in such a great position to do that. And I was like, yes, this stuff is actually working. Like I didn't know that was how it was going to happen. And I think

if you are into the whole manifesting and whatever you want to call it, that side of things. And a big part of it is not focusing on how these outcomes are going to happen, but just knowing what you want to achieve, why you want to achieve it, and then taking action towards that goal and just letting the how go. And that's what we did really well. so we managed to have the next.

six years off work. We didn't have to work for one day. actually bought a house. We were still in a position because our properties were being our income so we could still borrow more money. invested in some land and we did a few other things. But then all of a sudden what I found, the thing that shifted once we had kids and it was, it's really crazy, was all of sudden I started

being more fearful and more cautious. Whereas pre-kids, I was like, go with the flow, taking all the risks, didn't just, didn't overthink things. And when I became a mom, I became this giant overthinker. I had this real fear, I guess, that I would not do a good enough job in some way. So I put a lot of pressure on myself in every decision I made.

Prior to kids, felt that we were in a lot of flow and that's why a lot of things lined up for us. But then once we had kids, then we had our second kid, I became this like controlling mom that wanted to micromanage, I guess, my husband's decisions, my kids, and I just wanted to feel in control. And I don't know where that came from, but it was like all these new found fears had come into my life. And...

We were still doing okay financially, like we still weren't working. But then what started to happen is there was a few bad investment decisions made. And then all of a sudden there was all these repairs that we needed to do on these properties. So we were using money, so we'd borrowed some extra money that we were gonna use it for investment, but we ended up using that for repairs. And then there was some land that we were in the process of subdividing. And then all of a sudden,

So was all these massive repairs. We had big repair bill and it was things that wouldn't add value to the house, but they just needed to be done. So we had the big termite issue. So lots of the wood paneling and stuff in the of the properties needs to be completely replaced. So it was really, really expensive. And then next minute, the property market completely crashed and we had all our properties in the same area. So we took a massive hit. And then on top of that, there was these big vacancy rates because all these people were

leaving town so there wasn't that demand anymore so as soon as our leases had expired we then had to move on and like the properties were empty so I was stressed about money more so than ever before

we started really struggling then to pay the bills. So at this time we'd both gone back to work. I was back at teaching, my husband was back and we moved back up to Port Adlam at this point in time. So originally we were moving there to renovate one of the properties and then we were like, well, it's a good place for us to be right now. We can both easily get work that's well paid and we had a lot of close friends up there still. So that was going to be the right move for our family. But...

All of a sudden, more more expenses, more repairs, and it got to that point where we were like, my goodness, we just cannot afford to pay our mortgage anymore. Or we have to decide between paying the mortgage or paying for groceries for our family. And my gosh, if you've ever been in any sort of like real tight financial situation.

where you don't know you're going to scrape the money to feed your own family, and I know it's so common now, I know with the cost of living and everything else going on in the world is such a common thing, but it is something that I can't even describe. It's something that dread, that absolute feeling of just helplessness that overcame us in that situation. And

money problems they can cause so much friction in any situation because money unfortunately that's what runs our society that's the currency that we hold high value in our society so in order to be a functioning member of our society you need to have money that's just the way in our western society that it currently is so we knew something needed to happen so we could

you know, work extra jobs and put a lot of pressure, but that was completely against my husband and my values of family time and not wanting to just work, work, work our whole life just to scrape by and pay off our mortgages and not have any life other than that. I don't want to get to 60 and retire and maybe have our loans paid off, but then look back and think, well,

I didn't actually enjoy any of my life. That was not something I could entertain in any way and my husband felt the same. So we needed to find a solution. And at the time that was bankruptcy. That was the best solution. And before I went even thought of that idea, I didn't even know anything about it except for you see on the news, this is the thing that these rich businessmen do just to get out of paying their debts. And we didn't...

think that that was something that was gonna be for us. It had all these bad connotations to it. But then when I started investigating and looking for solutions, because again, that's one of my things I feel like I'm quite strong at is looking for solutions. Because I know that if I'm just focused on the problem, which was having no money, that's not gonna help anything. So I had to start looking for solutions. So I did a lot of research. And the more I learned about bankruptcy and educated myself on what that would actually mean to us, the better that.

option became for us. So in 2016 we decided to file for bankruptcy and it was like a sudden weight had been lifted off our shoulders and we were able to just breathe again for the first time in what felt like months and months. And I know you might be thinking but you had such a good life and you got to take all this time off work and

Yeah, I understand that, it's also, it shows how quickly things can change when you stop being aligned with your values and overthinking things. And that is a hundred percent. When I started focusing on being worried about money, being fearful, micromanaging, like I said, once I had kids, all these new found fears just somehow magically got embedded in my head that I just didn't have before.

When I started focusing on the lack, there was more lack that showed up in my life. And I wasn't any more focusing on, because I guess we'd reached that goal. the next mistake we made, I think, as well, is when you reach a goal, you either stay where you are, or you have to keep striving, you have to keep going more. And we didn't decide to set any more goals. We were like, done, we've done it, that's it.

So we didn't focus on the next step. What was gonna be next after this? How would we, what would we do then after to maintain this lifestyle? So I think a few really bad decisions and more importantly, reflecting now and knowing what I know about everything and what I've studied over the last few years is that when we had changed our mindset, well, I know when I had changed my mindset, that's when things started to...

go back down for us. And that's why I've focused now on the impact that mindset has is literally that foundation to everything. So anyway, we went bankrupt and it wiped off all our debts. We had no more debts, but we also had no more properties. We had no more of anything really. So we thought, right, we've got a fresh start. So let's start focusing on

getting back on track and we had all these fixed ideas as well from bankruptcy. I'd heard that you'd had this blacklist against your name forever. You'd never be able to borrow money again. So I'd made up my mind, well, we're just gonna have to rent forever. We'll never be able to buy a house. But that was okay. I'd sort of come to terms with that's just the way it was. But we were really fortunate. So I started getting back into focusing on things that I would really like in my life. And one of them always was to have this

ocean front house and I used to go for walks when we lived in Headland and along the coastline, cause it's right on the beach there, there's the beach part and then there's an inland part. at the time we were living more inland and I wanted to be by the beach. That's always been our dream is to live like waterfront. I remember going for runs or walks along the coast and thinking, I want one of these houses, these have to be mine one day. And

Not long after my husband had just landed a brand new job and this job provided us with free company housing. So we had our first house for a year and it was great and we didn't have to pay a cent which was fantastic during our bankruptcy. But then about a year later.

we had to move out because the lease was up on that property. So we put it out and we're like, well, there's these good oceanfront ones. Would you like us to go in one of those? And sure enough, they paid for us to live in one of our amazing oceanfront properties. And it was like a beach shack. It was very basic inside, but it had an amazing pool and a fantastic entertainment area. So we had a really great time. And that was again, free housing. So we'd scored all these little things that had come up.

us. So what we were applying in terms of you know the law of attraction stuff I guess was still working for us. but we had to take this big hit because I think one of the reasons as well that we went bankrupt is it was such a great tool for teaching us make us have a real good look at ourselves and our situation and what was not working for us.

And what do we need to change in our life? How do we need to fix different things? So, bankruptcy in Australia is three years. the first year, I sort of buried my head in the sand. I didn't want to think about money, managing money, setting new goals. I decided, again, we weren't going to get a loan. And that was just the way it was going to be. But I decided soon after that, you know what? I need to start figuring out this whole money thing. We need to get back on track. I actually enjoy managing our family's money.

But at the time I thought when we went bankrupt, because I was the one managing money, but I took a lot of blame for that myself thinking I didn't do a good enough job of managing our money. I'm the one that got us in this situation. But I knew then if that was the mistake I'd made and reflected on it and how can I learn from it? What did I do wrong? How can I change that for next time? I realized that if I start putting some things into place that we didn't do before, then maybe I'll...

take better charge of our finances. So first I started looking at how I could better manage our money, how I could set up our accounts. And I started learning about ways to generate a bit more income, to do bit of online, some different online courses to upskill myself in different areas. But then we were still in the, despite having free rent and having some of our bills subsidized and doing all this learning and managing our money, we started saving up a little bit.

for every week we were still living paycheck to paycheck and I just could not figure out why. Why are we still doing this? Like what has happened? So I still knew there was a lot more work I needed to do to figure this out. Cause I knew it shouldn't be that way. Other people were earning the same amount of money as my husband and I and they were doing okay. And I was like, what are we actually doing wrong? We're not blowing our money on all these different things. We'd spent a bit of money, but not a lot.

And after doing a whole lot of learning, long story short, I invested a lot of time in reading, educating myself, and I took a few more online courses, but these ones are focused more on the mindset side of things. And that's when I realized of all of these limiting beliefs that I was holding on to since our bankruptcy had happened, and even prior to our bankruptcy. And I found out what

was sort of stopping us, what was standing our way. I was basically still in this lack mentality and I was still really worried about money. And even though I was managing it quite well and I was doing what I could to help our family get ahead, we were still in a situation where I was over, over cautious with our money. I was monitoring how much money my husband was spending, how much money I was spending, but over the top where I, and if,

you know, one of us went over, I'd get really upset about it and I'd put a lot of pressure and that, all that does that I've now learned and I've taken, put, taken this into action myself is that that creates that cycle of more reasons for lack to show up in our life. So it might be all of a sudden you need to repair something or you might have an unexpected build that pops up or

there's a, you get a fine for something. So there was always these constant expenses on top of what I thought we were gonna be having. So there's always these unexpected things coming up. And that just put us in that situation where we were never ever getting ahead or we'd get ahead a bit and then dip into our savings and get ahead again, dip into our savings. And it wasn't until I did all the mindset work and I compare it to like building a house. So.

If you were gonna build a house, you're always gonna start with your foundation. You're not gonna lay the walls on the roof first. You're gonna lay your foundation first. And the way I think about money is when you, your walls and your roof is like your money. Managing techniques are like the walls and your roof is like the money making techniques. So they're the parts of your house that you definitely need. But if you don't have that foundation, which is your mindset, your house is just gonna crumble. It's not gonna stand up. And that's the step that.

most people miss. And that I feel like is why we're living in a society where everyone's working really, really hard and they're probably working longer hours than ever before. Everyone's so busy all the time. Everyone's hustling. Everyone's, you know, they're trying their hardest just to stay afloat, but they don't feel, it's like you're on that hamster wheel. You're you know, working hard and you're paying off your bills and you're paying off your mortgage or you're paying your living expenses.

But then you're back at square one again and you just don't seem to be getting ahead. You don't seem to have excess money for things like family holidays or investments or all the things that you think you should have right now. And that's exactly how I was feeling. I was like, why, why are we missing these things? But when I learned the techniques to work on that mindset and put the managing and making strategies together with that,

it's like you're living your life with your lights turned off in your car and you're driving around at night and you can't see what's ahead of you. You're just like, this is what's the next, what's the next bill? What's the next expense? But you can't see the big picture. But when you do the mindset stuff or when I personally did the mindset stuff and worked on my limiting beliefs and blaming and all the different money blocks that I was holding onto, once I did that.

then it was like I finally turned my lights on and I could see the whole picture and I could find my direction. And I was open to all these new opportunities and all of a sudden there were more opportunities that were showing up to generate income. There were different money that we received in unexpected ways and all these things started working and falling into place. And now fast forward a few years later, we're in a position now where we've bought our own home. We got a mortgage.

Easily, we actually found the best mortgage broker that I've ever used that had all these fantastic Contacts that could not only easily get us approval I was thinking we'd take weeks to get approval having our bankruptcy still so soon after we applied for the loan But we actually got the loan approved within a week It was so quick and it was so easy and all these things that I thought were gonna keep us stuck. It did not happen

We've got money invested in shares. have own a part share in a property investment property that my mum gets to stay in. So we not only get to support my mum, giving her accommodation to live in, but we also have that as an investment property that my sister and I have bought together that we're in that situation where we can do that. We just booked a multiple thousands of dollar overseas holiday for our family to go to New York for Christmas to give them the most amazing experience.

as a family trip. So now there's money to do these things. And this was things that a couple of years ago, I thought there was no way I was just trying to pay the next bill and not have to dip into our tiny little bit of savings that we have. So when you do this stuff, it makes a difference. But I don't want to keep this all to myself. So that's the whole reason that I've been working the last few months, I've been working with people who were going through bankruptcy to get themselves back on track.

and show you the quickest route. But I want to open this up now to anybody that's feeling stuck with money because the same things will apply no matter what your current situation is.

So you may have noticed that this podcast has been renamed, Living My Life Like It's Golden. And the last few weeks, I don't know if anyone listens to Jill Scott, that title is inspired by one of her amazing songs that I've just been listening to on repeat the last few weeks because that's what it's all about. It's about just living your life right now.

with all the abundance around you because that's what we all have right now available to us. And when we're in this struggle cycle, what I just explained to you, know, that hamster where you're struggling, you're hustling, but you're not getting ahead. You don't actually see what's around you. You don't stop and look around at what is surrounding you right now in your life. So I wanted to create this podcast now in this second season where it's all about

How can we break that cycle? But how can we live a more abundant life where we are being a bit more connected to what we truly value, what we truly want. And it's not just about the hustle or the material stuff, but it's about what really lights us up and what really brings us joy. And the next few episodes I've got coming out for you are going to be creating a whole different range of strategies and techniques to really live your best life.

And it sounds really cliche, but it's something that so many people just don't see a way of how to do that because they're too busy on autopilot. And I know the last few years, that was exactly how I was living where you're just going through the motions and you wake up and you go to work and you come home and you're sorting out your kids and you're making dinner and you're taking them to activities and you're doing housework and then you go to bed and you do it all again.

And it's not to you stop and look around and think, my gosh, like what am I actually doing? When was the last time I actually did something that truly lights me up, that I truly enjoy? And I want that for you. And that's why I wanna share some ideas and tools and techniques and have some great interviews with people that are gonna inspire you to live your life like it is golden, because you deserve it.

I also want to share with you a really exciting challenge that I'm holding up at the end of October. And it's going to be a three day challenge. And that's to celebrate the launch of the new season of this podcast. And it's the 2K cash boost by Christmas challenge. It's going to be a three day virtual challenge. I have designed and it's completely free to register. Don't have to pay a cent, but you're going to get three days of

amazing content to really help you reach a 2k goal by Christmas. Because I know the lead up to Christmas can be a real struggle for a lot of people, especially this year where cost of living is higher than ever, inflation is higher than ever. But you still want to be able to afford presents or to experiences for your family and loved ones. So I don't want you to miss out on that.

So I wanna show you a really simple way that is so doable for you that anybody can do if you apply the stuff I'm gonna teach you in this challenge. I don't want it to feel like a stress. I don't want it to feel like a burden that lead up to Christmas. So I want you to boost your savings by at least $2,000.

if you follow what I'm going to tell you. So what I'm going to do in this challenge is I'm going to lead you on a journey to break down any money blocks you're holding on to, how to master managing your money and how to unlock new income streams or to help you save this extra $2,000 before the festive season starts. So what we're going to be covering in the three day challenge is we're to be looking at how you can actually transform your mindset.

and look at overcoming some of those financial blocks to help you gear more towards that abundance and reaching goal mentality that you will need to help you with this challenge. I'm also going to be giving you some essential money managing skills so you can know how to better allocate your money and set those goals that are achievable and then look at ways to increase your income during this period. And you'll be able to confidently reach your 2000...

dollar goal. If you follow the step by step guide that I will give you during this challenge, which is also going to help you build your confidence and ensure that it's not just a one off thing. You can do this time and time again. So it's going to be live and all the details are going to be in the show notes below, or you can just head to slash challenge.

and you'll find all you need to know. You do have to register for the seat because then I will send you all the Zoom links that you need to take part in this challenge. So it's going to be fantastic. I really hope you can join this because it's going to be amazing because I really want as many people to have a really good Christmas this year and not feel stressed, not feel that strain. And I want to share the tools and techniques that I have learned that I can hopefully help you with as well.

So I really hope you can join the challenge. Thank you so much for listening. Now, if you've enjoyed today's episode, please make sure that you follow or subscribe to this podcast. And you can leave me a comment as well if you feel inclined to do so. I love reading what people have to say about my episodes. Thanks for listening and I'll see you on the next episode.

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